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Can compression stockings relieve leg pain?

How far can we run until we finally get caught?

My ego was shaken with an onset of unexpected pain, swelling, and fear of something very wrong happening with my body. Obviously, I had not expected such symptoms to break my daily routine and make a stop to my invincibility. And all because of the tiny, little bastards called … “varicose veins”.


What Are They?

Compression stockings are specially made, snug-fitting, stretchy socks that gently squeeze your leg. Graduated compression or pressure stockings are tighter around your ankle and get looser as they move up your leg.


Who Uses Them?

  • People with or at risk for circulation problems, like blood clots, varicose veins or diabetes,
  • People who’ve just gotten surgery
  • Those who can’t leave their bed or have a hard time moving their legs
  • People who stand all day at work
  • Athletes
  • Pregnant women
  • People who spend long stretches of time on airplanes


What Do They Do?

The pressure these stockings put on your legs helps your blood vessels work better. The arteries that take oxygen-rich blood to your muscles can relax, so blood flows freely. The veins get a boost pushing blood back to your heart. Compression stockings can keep your legs from getting tired and achy. They can also ease swelling in your feet and ankles as well as help prevent and treat spider and varicose veins. They may even stop you from feeling light-headed or dizzy when you stand up. Because the blood keeps moving, it’s harder for it to pool in your veins and make a clot. If one forms and breaks free, it can travel with your blood and get stuck somewhere dangerous, like your lungs. Clots also make it harder for blood to flow around them, and that can cause swelling, discolored skin, and other problems. If you need the stockings for medical reasons, your doctor will measure your legs and prescribe the right ones for you.
